QuickstartVersion: 1.3Quickstart Open the quickstart guide Open Unity 2018.4 or later Import the SmoothMQTT.unitypackage (or install from AssetStore) Add the necessary MQTTManager by clicking GameObject->SmoothMQTT->MQTTManagerWithBroker To send MQTT messages from an object interaction, select the object and click Tools->SmoothMQTT->Send->React to UnityEvents from the main menu Configure the topic to publish to in the component SendOnEvent To react to MQTT messages, select an object and add a subscriber with Tools->SmoothMQTT->Receive->StringPayload. Configure the topic to react to in the component Subscriber and add Actions (which accept no parameters or String) to invoke when an MQTT messag eis received. Find more ways of receiving and sending messages in the Tools->SmoothMQTT menu